Objective: A systematic review of published cases of standard-dose IV tPA for acute ischemic stroke (AIS) within 4.5 hours of symptom onset and intracranial tumor was performed. Materials and Methods: PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane were used to identify studies that included patients given standard-dose IV tPA for presumed AIS within 4.5 hours of symptom onset who had an intracranial tumor. The primary outcome measure was rate of ICH. Results: Twenty-three studies were included, involving 495 patient cases. One case-control study presented data only in the form of an odds ratio (OR), with OR 0.72 (p=0.16) for risk of ICH in 297 benign brain tumors, and OR for ICH of 2.33 (p value <0.001) in 119 malignant brain tumors, compared to controls. The remaining 22 sources included 79 cases; 49 were classified as benign, 16 malignant, and 14 "not otherwise specified." ICH occurred in 4; one was an asymptomatic parenchymal hematoma (5.1% total ICH, 3.8% symptomatic ICH). ICH only occurred in cases of malignant or metastatic intracranial tumors. Conclusion: There were no reports of ICH in cases of benign intracranial tumor, and the reported rate of ICH with standard-dose IV tPA in the setting of any brain tumor appears similar to the general AIS population. There is heterogeneity and risk of selection bias with the included studies, and findings are not confirmatory. Further research is indicated to assess the rate of ICH with IV tPA for AIS in the setting of brain tumor. (C) 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.