The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) for removal of copper ions from water solutions in comparison with classic ultrafiltration process. The tests were conducted in a semi-pilot membrane installation with the use of ultrafiltration module KOCH/ROMICON (R) at a transmembrane pressure of 0.05 MPa. The effect of concentration of copper ions on ultrafiltration process efficiency was investigated. The second part of the tests concerned the removal of copper ions by MEUF under wide range of anionic surfactant concentration (0.25, 1, and 5 CMC (critical micelle concentration)). Concentration of copper ions in model solutions was equal to 5, 20, and 50 mg Cu/L. Furthermore, the effect of surfactant leakage to the permeate side during filtration was evaluated. Conducted experiments confirmed effectiveness of MEUF in copper ions removal. For the highest copper concentration in the feed (i.e. 50 mg/L), the average concentration of copper ions in the permeate ranged from 1.2-4.7 mg Cu/L depending on surfactant concentration. During filtration experiments, UF module exhibited stable transport properties for model solutions containing copper. For the highest concentration of metal, the decrease of permeate flux did not exceed 11% after 60 minutes of filtration. In the presence of the surfactant, a slight deterioration of transport properties was observed.