The ecological distributions of tardigrade species from six sites on Roan Mountain, Tennessee-North Carolina, were determined in a study begun by D. R. Nelson in 1971. Three new species of eutardigrades were discovered in Nelson's study, but remained undescribed. A follow-up to that study was initiated by K. L. McGlothlin in 1988 to determine the long-term stability of tardigrade populations at two of Nelson's original collection sites. Two of Nelson's three new eutardigrade species were rediscovered by McGlothlin, and one new Pseudechiniscus species was found. The description of one of the eutardigrades, Hypsibius roanensis, was published previously. The remaining eutardigrade found during both studies, a new species of Calohypsibius, is described here: Calohypsibius schusteri sp. nov. (C) 1996 The Linnean Society of London