Two new species, Phyllanthus lilliputianus and Phyllanthus sobralii are described for the Atlantic Forest of Southeastern Brazil, for the states of Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais, respectively. The presence of deeply emarginate anthers and four-colporate pollen grains with reticulate and microreticulate exine indicate that both species belong to Phyllanthus sect. Phyllanthus subsect. Claussenianii. Phyllanthus lilliputianus is an erect and small herb, with mucilaginous-hyaline branchlets, stipules, and petiole, an elliptical leaf blade that is membranaceous and sparsely mucilaginous-hyaline, staminate flowers with 5 sepals rhombic to widely obovate, and pistillate flowers with 5 slightly unguiculate sepals. P. sobralii is characterized by an herbaceous habit, with cylindrical branchlets that are glabrous, fractiflex and pinnatiform, leaf blades broadly elliptical to oval-elliptical, turquoise with prominent ribs on both surfaces, staminate and pistillate flowers with 5 sepals, with an accentuated central strip. Detailed description, colored plates, line drawing, notes on distribution, and conservation assessment are provided below.