Baclofen has been advocated as a promising treatment for the reduction of alcohol withdrawal and craving symptoms. Since baclofen is lacking the authorized approval for treating alcohol dependence, the drug is increasingly used off-label by a substantial number of patients. These patients contact within specific web-based portals, where personal exchange is possible within a related peer-group. The present study aimed to investigate variables with regard to baclofen intake in this patient sample. We chose a new approach of data acquisition, i.e. the access of a web-based portal dedicated to persons following a largely self-managed baclofen regime for treating alcohol dependence. Using a study-specific questionnaire, we collected data such as alcohol consumption before and during baclofen intake, craving, affective symptoms and anxiety. We found no significant relationship between alcohol intake and baclofen dosage; however, there was a trend for an association between the primary aim of treatment and outcome. Baclofen intake led to a decrease of depressive symptoms and anxiety over time. The present data suggest that the assessment of disorder-/drug-specific websites could offer an attractive alternative for clinical and drug-specific data acquisition in contrast to "conventional" trials.