We consider massive spinless point particles and global U(1) vortices coupled to (2+1)D gravity in the presence of the negative cosmological constant. For the case of a point particle, we find a new stationary solution in addition to well known two static solutions, i.e., regular hyperboloid with deficit angle and Schwarzschild type BTZ black hole. We find that the spacetimes formed by the regular static global U(1) vortices are free from curvature singularity. We obtain three types of solution according to the scale of the cosmological constant. One of them is a regular hyperboloid and the others are black hole solutions with single or two horizons. We identify the charge of the blade hole to the topological charge of the global U(1) vortex via the duality transformation. The role of the obtained point-like solutions as straight, infinite long cosmic strings are also briefly discussed.