At present, the analysis on the relationship between the natural resources and economic development mainly revolves around the concept of sustainable development. Sustainable development is the United nations Commission on Environment and development in 1987, is also called the. brundtland Commission pg is defined as "both meet the needs of contemporary, and no future generations to meet their needs ability of hazardous development". And social and economic development mainly to output, the output is not only decided by capital, labor, human capital and technology also need plenty of natural resources, such as farmland, forests and minerals. Compared with countries with a deficiency of resources, natural resources per capita more countries will be more prosperous, as a result, natural resources have a powerful effect on economic growth. Natural resources for its role in economic growth should be acting through the political system, a good political system can be a reasonable policy to promote industrialization, promote technological progress, accumulate capital for economic development, to ensure economic growth and economic development.