In 2011-2012, the concentrations of bisphenol A (BPA), 4-tert-octylophenol (OP) and 4-nonylphenol (NP) in surface and near-bottom water of the Gulf of Gdansk, as well as inflowing rivers, were similar to those in other regions of Europe; BPA from <5.0 to 277.9 ng dm(-3), OP from <1.0 to 834.5 ng dm(-3), and NP from <4.0 to 228.6 ng dm(-3). The atmospheric transportation of phenol derivatives and their deposition into the water of the gulf was indicated by high enrichment factor values (EF) in the sea surface microlayer in relation to the sub-surface layer. The main route of BPA, OP and NP transportation into the waters of the Gulf of Gdansk is the River Vistula. In spring, significant amounts of bisphenol A and 4-nonylphenol were introduced to the coastal zone with meltwater. The main factors affecting the variability of BPA, OP and NP concentrations in surface and near-bottom water, particularly in summer, were increased tourism in the coastal region, water temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.