generalized linear model;
canonical link function;
information theoretic criteria;
model selection;
D O I:
O21 [概率论与数理统计];
C8 [统计学];
020208 ;
070103 ;
0714 ;
This paper studies a class of AIC-like model selection criteria for a generalized linear model with the canonical link. They have the form of log L - p * C, where log L is the maximized log-likelihood, p is the number of parameters and C is a term depending on the sample size n and satisfying C/n -> 0 and C/ log log n -> infinity as n -> infinity. Under suitable conditions, this class of criteria is shown to be strongly consistent. A simulation study was also conducted to assess the finite-sample performance with various choices of C for variable selection in a logit model and a log-linear model. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.