In recent days, various types of LDHs are used for biomedical functions. Due to the unique structure of LDH, it has a vast area of application. In different biomedical sectors, the application of unimolecular LDHs and various LDH-based nanohybrid materials is increasing day by day. LDH nanoparticles are significant reservoirs and carriers in different biomedical sectors such as cardiovascular drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, cancer therapeutic agents, vitamins, antioxidants, DNAs, RNAs, antibodies and some proteins. However, the LDH-DRUG nanohybrids have absorptive capacity which can received by the mediated endocytosis process. Furthermore, in recent times LDH materials are noticed because of their uses in vaccine therapy. In bioimaging systems, LDHs are plays an important role to deliver highly sensitive contrasting agents to various targeted cells of the human body. Moreover, in biosensing applications such as several enzymatic and non-enzymatic LDH-based biosensors have been explored toward the detection of different bioactive molecules. Most of the research has been focused on the detection of glucose, dopamine and H2O2. This review encapsulates the topical advancements of LDHs and LDH-based nanoarchitectures in drug delivery, gene therapy, bioimaging and biosensing applications. Also, this review works includes all the proposed synthesis routes.