Background: Presenteeism is a phenomenon in which employees go to work, but physical or mental health problems make it impossible for them to properly demonstrate their abilities, and productivity decreases accordingly. Recent studies have considered the behavior of direct supervisors to be an important factor in the pathogenesis of various health-related outcomes. This study aimed to investigate the association between the direct supervisor's behaviors and presenteeism among wage workers in South Korea. Methods: A total of 25,798 participants from the fifth Korean Working Condition Survey conducted in 2017 were included in the analysis. The behaviors of direct supervisor were assessed by 6 questionnaire items. In this study, the distribution of the scores was categorized into 4 categories (very good, good, bad, and very bad). To assess presenteeism, the corresponding questionnaire item was used. chi(2) tests and multiple logistic regression analyses adjusted for general, occupational, and psychosocial factors were performed to determine the association between the behaviors of direct supervisor and presenteeism. Results: Direct supervisor's behavior were significantly associated with presenteeism. The adjusted odds ratios (aORs) of presenteeism in the good, bad, and very bad groups were 1.297 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.153-1.458), 1.191 (95% CI: 0.941-1.507), and 1.604 (95% CI: 1.184-2.175), compared with the very good group. Associations between presenteeism and the behaviors of direct supervisor were significant in male workers, but not in female workers. For male workers, the aORs of presenteeism in the good, bad, very bad groups were 1.661 (95% CI: 1.425-1.936), 1.445 (95% CI: 1.053-1.982), 2.340 (95% CI: 1.569-3.491), respectively. Conclusions: This study suggests that the behavior of a direct supervisor can influence the occurrence of presenteeism, particularly in men. The proper management of senior employee's behaviors is necessary to reduce the risk of presenteeism in the workplace.