Polymeric nanomaterials, which have tuneable chemical structures, versatile functionalities, and good compati-bility with polymeric matrices, have attracted increasing interest from researchers for the construction of poly-meric nano-based separation membranes. With their distinctive nanofeatures, polymeric nano-based membranes show great promise in overcoming bottlenecks in polymer membranes, namely, the trade-off between perme-ability and selectivity, low stability, and fouling issues. Accordingly, recent studies have focused on tuning the structures and tailoring the surface properties of polymeric nano-based membranes via exploitation of mem-brane fabrication techniques and surface modification strategies, with the objective of pushing the performance of polymeric nano-based membranes to a new level. In this review, first, the approaches for fabricating poly-meric nano-based mixed matrix membranes and homogeneous membranes are summarized, such as surface coat-ing, phase inversion, interfacial polymerization, and self-assembly methods. Next, the manipulation strategies of membrane surface properties, namely, the hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, charge characteristics, and surface roughness, and interior microstructural properties, namely, the pore size and content, channel construction and regulation, are comprehensively discussed. Subsequently, the separation performances of liquid ions/molecules and gas molecules through polymeric nano-based membranes are systematically reported. Finally, we conclude this review with an overview of various unsolved scientific and technical challenges that are associated with new opportunities in the development of advanced polymeric nano-based membranes.