The master probability equation captures the dynamic behavior of a variety of stochastic phenomena that can be modeled as Markov processes. Analytical solutions to the master equation are hard to come by though because they require the enumeration of all possible states and the determination of the transition probabilities between any two states. These two tasks quickly become intractable for all but the simplest of systems. Instead of determining how the probability distribution changes in time, we can express the master probability distribution as a function of its moments, and, we can then write transient equations for the probability distribution moments. In 1949, Moyal defined the derivative, or jump, moments of the master probability distribution. These are measures of the rate of change in the probability distribution moment values, i.e. what the impact is of any given transition between states on the moment values. In this paper we present a general scheme for deriving analytical moment equations for any N-dimensional Markov process as a function of the jump moments. Importantly, we propose a scheme to derive analytical expressions for the jump moments for any N-dimensional Markov process. To better illustrate the concepts, we focus on stochastic chemical kinetics models for which we derive analytical relations for jump moments of arbitrary order. Chemical kinetics models are widely used to capture the dynamic behavior of biological systems. The elements in the jump moment expressions are a function of the stoichiometric matrix and the reaction propensities, i.e. the probabilistic reaction rates. We use two toy examples, a linear and a non-linear set of reactions, to demonstrate the applicability and limitations of the scheme. Finally, we provide an estimate on the minimum number of moments necessary to obtain statistical significant data that would uniquely determine the dynamics of the underlying stochastic chemical kinetic system. The first two moments only provide limited information, especially when complex, non-linear dynamics are involved. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.