Background: Previous research suggests that self-knowledge, particularly perceptions of oneself as a "drinker," may influence the development and progression of alcohol use and related problems, such as binge drinking. While existing studies have provided empirical evidence for the importance of assessing drinking self-perception within the five-factor model of personality framework, further examination with novel analytic methods, such as network analyses, could improve understanding of the drinker self-concept. Methods: Five factor traits of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability were assessed among a large sample of young adults (n=423) across "general" and "drinking" contexts. Features of the personality networks were investigated, including topology, network centrality, stability of the network across "general" and "drinking" assessments, as well as differences in the network across the two assessments. Results: Individual personality items were more related to other items within the same trait than to other traits. There was no most central item in the networks, but item strength was uncorrelated to mean-level of the item. The network structure was stable across both assessments, although the overall strength of item relationships significantly increased in the drinking personality network. Conclusions: Examining drinking personality using a network analytic framework provided novel insights into drinker self-concept and the role drinking contexts might play in self-perception of personality in those contexts.