Criminal organizations have expanded their influence and power, they have become richer than the governments of the states they are facing, relying on increasing illegal international trafficking in goods, money and people. In many cases, criminal organizations are governed by management rules used by any company or company, they maintain representations outside their country of origin, grow vigorously relationships with officials and political leaders whom they corrupt by any means, criminal organizations are able to accumulate wealth and power to such an extent that they jeopardize the effectiveness and even the legitimacy of the operation of state apparatus in some countries. Paradoxically, the system of organized crime, despite the apparent destabilizing effect on the political system, often works with the support of the respective governments. The recrudescence of ethnic and religious phenomena is not exclusively an effect of globalization: they have many historical, cultural and especially economic connotations. It can easily be noticed that there are no ethnic conflicts where there are no social and economic problems, but this does not mean that there are no other ways of supplying ethnic conflicts. Terrorists are motivated not only by psychological factors but also by social, political, religious or economic factors. Ethnic, separatist, anarchist, revolutionary, or fundamentalist-religious ideologies diverge significantly, and ideological influence in the context of socio-economic, cultural, demographic and other realities becomes extremely relevant and dangerous.