In 1926, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published a report prepared by William J. Gies, PhD, a professor of biochemistry and founder of the Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. The Gies report examined the current status of dental education in the United States and Canada and made recommendations for a new direction. This report led to major improvements in dental education and research and was a critical factor in making dentistry a learned profession. Dental and allied dental education are now challenged by a new set of issues related to financing education, improved oral health, more effective treatment technologies, and a rapidly changing delivery system. In an effort to meet these challenges, this strategic planning project first examined the current status and future trends that are likely to impact the dental profession over the next 25 years. The project was organized into six sections, and 50 authors were invited to prepare 38 articles to address these issues. The executive summaries for each section are being published in the August and September 2017 issues of the Journal of Dental Education, and the background articles are being published in online supplements to those issues. In the next phase of the project, information from the articles will be used to make strategic recommendations to assist dental schools and allied dental education programs in preparing graduates for practice in 2040 and to meet their institutions' missions for scholarship and service. This introduction presents the project rationale, provides a list of the published articles, and acknowledges the organizations that supported this effort.