Aim: Medical education is undergoing a transformation with the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to examine the levels of adaptation and flexibility of medical students within an educational system changing due to the pandemic. Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in the Duzce University Faculty of Medicine. Students were asked to complete the VARK (V: Visual, A: Aural, R: Read-write, K: Kinesthetic) learning preferences inventory and the Two-Factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ2F). Results: In this study, 671 students, with 318 (47.39%) male students and 353 (52.61%) female students, were included. It was found that 25.04% (n=168) of these students participated in lessons via distance learning, while 43.67% (n-293) of them stated that they preferred face-to-face learning and 31.30% (n=210) stated that they preferred mixed learning. The mean visual score of the students who attended lessons via distance learning was found to be higher compared to those who attended face-to-face lessons and those engaged in mixed learning (p=0.0001), while the mean visual score of the mixed learning group was higher compared to the face-to-face group (p=0.002). Discussion: The blended education model, which allows students to choose the most suitable model according to their own learning style, seems to be helpful In challenging periods like the COVID-19 pandemic.