The aim of the work was to develop a conceptual design for degraded space management and to create a new public space with new aesthetic, social and cultural values. Also, an important goal of the activities was to gain experience and new skills in research and project work of professionals from various scientific fields. The methodology of project work was based on the cooperation of an interdisciplinary project team with various practical and scientific advancements. The foundations of the author's previous methodologies and scientific research were used for this work. The methodology was multi-threaded and based on multidisciplinary analyzes of degraded space. For example: space function analysis, accessibility analysis for the disabled, aesthetic analysis, economic analysis and the like. The research of the urban space by the author in European cities was used to create an original teaching method. The application of this method took place during a competition organized in Poland by the Association of Polish Town Planners and the Silesian Association of Municipalities and Poviats for the implementation of the concept of spatial development of a selected, degraded urban area and the development of revitalization process. An interesting assumption of the competition was the participation of both experts and students from various fields of science, as well as various scientific and practical experiences. The combination of people with different experience and from different fields of knowledge required the development of a project method using the potential of the people involved. The author of this article was the leader of the design group. The developed method of project and didactic activities consisted in dividing the work planned for implementation into scientific stages and faculties. Communications between different specialists were also developed. The following architects, economists, geographers, experts, practitioners and students took part in the work. The research results include didactic effects, i.e. cooperation of experts from various scientific fields with different practical experience. The next effect was the exchange of experience between practitioners, scientists and students. The result of the work is the concept of developing degraded space developed in various areas, not only architectural and urban planning. Such application of the revitalization method can ensure proper return of urban space to life and social use. The concept is adapted to functional, aesthetic, economic, cultural and social requirements.