The challenge of estimating human health effects from damage to the germ line may be met in the genomic era. Understanding the genetic, as opposed to postconception developmental basis of birth defects is critical to their use in monitoring heritable genetic damage. The causes of common birth defects are analyzed here: mendelian genetic, multigenic, developmental, inherited, or combinational. Only a small fraction of these (noninherited, mendelian genetic) are likely to be informative relative to germ cell mutagenesis, and these won't be discernible against the general background of birth defects. Targeted genetic testing as part of personalized medicine could be integrated into a strategy for assessing germ cell alterations in populations. Thus, "sentinel mutations,'' as originally proposed by Mulvihill and Ceizel, need not be restricted to X-linked or dominant mutations or conditions visible at birth. Several new sentinels related to personalized medicine are proposed, based on health impact (likelihood of monitoring), frequency, and genetic target suitability (responsiveness to diverse mutational mechanisms). Candidates could include CYP genes (related to metabolism of xenobiotics) important in optimizing drug doses and avoiding adverse reactions. High frequency LDLR mutations (related to familial high cholesterol) predict myocardial infarction in similar to 50% of individuals. The more common recessive genetic diseases (cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria, and others) monitored in newborn screening programs could be informative given parental analysis. New opportunities for genetic analyses need to be coupled with epidemiological studies on environmental exposures. These could focus on adverse outcomes related to tobacco, the most ubiquitous and potent environmental mutagen. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 52:253-263, 2011. Published 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.(dagger)