Background and Aim: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is an accurate method for cytological confirmation of pancreatic malignancy, but it has been unknown whether its diagnostic accuracy for pancreatic lesions was affected by their size, location, or size of needles. Our aim was to investigate the accuracy of EUS-FNA for suspected pancreatic malignancy in relation to these factors, especially to the size of lesions. Methods: In a tertiary referral center, EUS-FNAs for 120 suspected pancreatic malignancies in 115 patients based on other imaging studies were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Overall accuracy of EUS-FNA was 96% (115/120), with sensitivity of 95% (76/80), specificity of 98% (39/40), positive predictive value of 99% (76/77), and negative predictive value of 91% (39/43). Accuracies for lesions less than 10 mm, 11-20 mm, 21-30 mm, and more than 31 mm were 96%, 95%, 96%, and 100%, respectively; those for lesions in the head, the body, and the tail of the pancreas were 96%, 95%, and 95%, respectively. Accuracies for 22-gauge and 25-gauge needle were 93% and 98%, respectively. Conclusion: EUS-FNA was accurate in the evaluation of suspected pancreatic malignancy regardless of its size, location, or size of needles. It was useful also in the confirmation of small pancreatic malignancies less than 10 mm.