Metabolomics strives to capture the entirety of the metabolites in a biological system by comprehensive analysis, often by liquid chromatography hyphenated to mass spectrometry. A particular challenge thereby is the differentiation of structural isomers. Common achiral targeted and untargeted assays do not dis-tinguish between enantiomers. This may lead to information loss. An increasing number of publications demonstrate that the enantiomeric ratio of certain metabolites can be meaningful biomarkers of certain diseases emphasizing the importance of introducing enantioselective analytical procedures in metabo-lomics. In this work, the state-of-the-art in the field of LC-MS based metabolomics is summarized with focus on developments in the recent decade. Methodologies, tagging strategies, workflows and general concepts are outlined. Selected biological applications in which enantioselective metabolomics has docu-mented its usefulness are briefly discussed. In general, targeted enantioselective metabolomics assays are often based on a direct approach using chiral stationary phases (CSP) with polysaccharide derivatives, macrocyclic antibiotics, chiral crown ethers, chiral ion exchangers, donor-acceptor phases as chiral selec-tors. Rarely, these targeted assays focus on more than 20 analytes and usually are restricted to a certain metabolite class. In a variety of cases, pre-column derivatization of metabolites has been performed, especially for amino acids, to improve separation and detection sensitivity. Triple quadrupole instruments are the detection methods of first choice in targeted assays. Here, issues like matrix effect, absence of blank matrix impair accuracy of results. In selected applications, multiple heart cutting 2D-LC (RP followed by chiral separation) has been pursued to overcome this problem and alleviate bias due to interferences. Non-targeted assays, on the other hand, are based on indirect approach involving tagging with a chiral deri-vatizing agent (CDA). Besides classical CDAs numerous innovative reagents and workflows have been proposed and are discussed. Thereby, a critical issue for the accuracy is often neglected, viz. the validation of the enantiomeric impurity in the CDA. The majority of applications focus on amino acids, hydroxy acids, oxidized fatty acids and oxylipins. Some potential clinical applications are highlighted. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.