We work for a contract research organization (CRO) that assists pharmaceutical companies ill developing drugs by planning drug development strategies, conducting clinical research trials, and compiling the documents required by the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As lead writers on large-scale projects involving the efforts of individuals spread across the continental US, we have developed and maintained effective work teams by establishing team expectations and responsibilities and by maintaining clear and timely communications. Key methods for developing successful telecommunications include the following. Establish clear procedures to be followed and the critical pathway, and keeping all ream members informed of these. Ensure the technological compatibility of all team members regarding equipment (computers, software, etc), and enable team members to use technology to their advantage by using common style guides, document formats, etc. Create a climate of open, clear communication by giving unambiguous instructions, establishing the best means of communicating for the team, enabling each team member to have direct access other team members, holding regular meetings, and ensuring there are individuals responsible for the document every step of the way. To complete large, complex documents in cooperation with other team members, writers should employ these strategies. These strategies are rime-consuming but essential to the successful completion of the writing project, regardless of how geographically dispersed the work teams may be.