In this paper we elaborate the reason why public sector incentives need to take a full acknowledgment and consideration about the organizational publicity and public servants' psychological motivation. and we also try to demonstrate the implementation logic of public sector incentives from the personal motivation, organizational characteristic and the relationship between incentive and job performance, by reviewing the basic assumptions and empirical research results, which are mainly about public service motivation (PSM) theory applied to the public sector incentive. Finally, under the PSM theory, we put further consideration about public sector incentives: Measurement optimization for PSM, intrinsic incentive internalization system design and causal analysis between PSM and incentive performance. Public sector incentive issue is one of the core issue of public human resource management. Comparedwith the private sector, public sector has issuesin implementing incentive, such as organizational goal ambiguity target diversification and hard budget constraint, because of its publicity. Under these issues, public sectorincentive shows two features: the extrinsic incentive is limited and the intrinsic incentive issignificant. But, for a long time, public sector use the private sector's economic incentive model directly. So it assumesthat public servants are "rational economic participant ", and promotes the substance, promotion, competition, etc in the incentives. But this ignores the public spirit of organization and the influence of organization system and culture. Itdoesn't change the situation of administrative inefficiency and lack of vitality. Since present research lacks reference carding about the logical description of PSM theory applied to public sector incentive, we want to explore that in this paper. So, firstly we have critical thinking about current economic incentive theory applied to the public sector, then comb the logical relation of incentive object(servant motivation), subject (public organization) and goal( organizational performance). In the end of this paper, we have been thinking something newabout PSM theory applied to public sector incentive.