Objective: To evaluate a peer-training intervention for women with breast cancer, from a gender perspective: to discover the results of the intervention and examine in-depth the personal experiences of patients and health professionals participating in the training activity. Method: Mixed method multicentre design completed in 2017 in Andalusia (Spain), with a pre and post evaluation questionnaire with 102 patients, measuring life style, limitations, use of health services, communication with professionals and self-management: and content analysis of semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 21 patient-trainers and 5 health professionals, looking at experiences, needs and suggestions for improvement. Results: The patients described a good general health status, with improvements of: diet quality (7 in pre-test to 7.7 in post-test), limitations for daily life (from 1.93 to 1.64 points), self-efficacy (from 6.46 to 7.42 points). Age, civil status and level of education generated statistically significant differences, with more improvement in more vulnerable social profiles. Participants revealed the benefits of the peer-training at a personal, relational, psycho-emotional and socio-cultural level and expressed how the training changed their experiences around identity-construction and gender roles. The improvement dimensions related to organization, evaluation and continuity. Conclusions: The peer-training intervention is a positive experience for women's physical, relational and emotional health and, from a gender perspective, it represents an opportunity, at both individual and group level, to negotiate and deconstruct gender roles when living with breast cancer. (C) 2018 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.