We previously reported that the coagulation system in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is strongly activated in the early stage of a subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). We evaluated the relationship among thrombin activity, degree of SAH, amount of clearance of SAH, and vasospasm. The CSF levels of fibrinopeptide A (FPA) were measured by radio-immunoassay in 36 SAH patients, who were diagnosed by computerized tomography (CT) within 12 hours and on whom surgery was performed within 48 hours. Clearance of SAH (%) was evaluated as the size of the clot in the basal cistern visualized between the initial and postoperative Cf. The mean level of FPA. in the patients of Group 3 (Fisher's CT classification) (182.2 ng/ml) was significantly higher than those in the patients of Group 2 (36.2 ng/ml). There was a significant difference in the mean level of FPA between patients with (47.6 ng/ml) and without infarction (408.3 ng/ml). In 18 of the 27 patients of Group 3 for whom the clearance of the SAH was determined, the patients showing a lower clearance rate (<50%) of SAH demonstrated a significantly higher rate of infarction and a significantly higher level of FPA (466.6 ng/ml) than did the patients with a higher clearance rate (>50%) of SAH (79.2 ng/ml). These results suggest that, the thrombin activity in CSF is correlated with the degree of SAH, the persistence of subarachnoid clot and the development of vasospasm.