We present a new step in the foundation of quantum field theory with the tools of scale relativity. Previously, quantum motion equations (Schrodinger, Klein-Gordon, Dirac, Pauli) have been derived as geodesic equations written with a quantum-covariant derivative operator. Then, the nature of gauge transformations, of gauge fields and of conserved charges have been given a geometric meaning in terms of a scale-covariant derivative tool. Finally, the electromagnetic Klein-Gordon equation has been recovered with a covariant derivative constructed by combining the quantum-covariant velocity operator and the scale-covariant derivative. We show here that if one tries to derive the electromagnetic Dirac equation from the Klein-Gordon one as for the free particle motion, i.e. as a square root of the time part of the Klein-Gordon operator, one obtains an additional term which is the relativistic analog of the spin-magnetic field coupling term of the Pauli equation. However, if one first applies the quantum covariance, then implements the scale covariance through the scale-covariant derivative, one obtains the electromagnetic Dirac equation in its usual form. This method can also be applied successfully to the derivation of the electromagnetic Klein-Gordon equation. This suggests it rests on more profound roots of the theory, since it encompasses naturally the spin-charge coupling.