An integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation with clear physical motivations is proposed. This equation is obtained from a special reduction of the Manakov system, and it describes Manakov solutions whose two components are related by a parity symmetry. Since the Manakov system governs wave propagation in a wide variety of physical systems, our nonlocal equation has clear physical meanings. Solitons and multisolitons in this nonlocal equation are also investigated in the framework of Riemann-Hilbert formulations. Surprisingly, symmetry relations of discrete scattering data for this equation are found to be very complicated, where constraints between eigenvectors in the scattering data depend on the number and locations of the underlying discrete eigenvalues in a very complex manner. As a consequence, general N-solitons are difficult to obtain in the Riemann-Hilbert framework. However, one- and two-solitons are derived, and their dynamics investigated. It is found that two-solitons are generally not a nonlinear superposition of one-solitons, and they exhibit interesting dynamics such as meandering and sudden position shifts. As a generalization, other integrable and physically meaningful nonlocal equations are also proposed, which include NLS equations of reverse-time and reversespace-time types as well as nonlocal Manakov equations of reverse-space, reverse-time, and reverse-space-time types.