We describe the pioneering role of the Production and Operations Management (POM) in promoting empirical research in innovation, operations, and supply chain management. We also review and discuss the most influential empirical papers published in POM based on each paper's Google Scholar citation counts. We selected the top 200 cited papers from the 2085 papers published or forthcoming in POM to identify the most influential empirical papers. We classify these 200 papers into three categories: (a) review and conceptual development, (b) analytical, and (c) empirical papers, and then compare these papers across the categories in terms of citation counts. Next we analyze the 75 empirical papers from the top 200 cited papers published in POM by covered topics, data sources, and data analysis methods. Focusing the analysis on empirical papers among the top 200 cited papers can underrepresent emerging themes among the more recently published empirical papers. Therefore, we also analyze 19 more recent empirical papers from 2016 to 2021 that are not covered in the top 200 cited papers but have been impactful given the brief time since their publication. We conclude by offering our thoughts on how editors, reviewers, and authors can work together to further enhance and ensure the quality and influence of future operations management (OM) empirical science research.