CA 125 is the most reliable serum marker for ovarian carcinoma. Whereas its role in the screening of the malignancy is controversial, serum CA 125 assay is very useful for both the differential diagnosis of ovarian masses, particularly in postmenopause, and the monitoring of the response to chemotherapy and follow-up of patients with histologically proven ovarian carcinoma. Tumor-associated antigens other than CA 125, such as CA 19.9, CA 15.3 and TAG.72, firstly identified in gastro-intestinal or breast malignancies, have been detected also in tissue and serum samples from patients with ovarian carcinoma. In particular CA19.9 offers the advantage of high sensitivity for mucinous histotype, which often fails to express CA 125. Serum CA 125 correlates with the clinical course of disease better than the other antigens, and in patients with positive CA 125 assay at diagnosis the concomitant evaluation of CA 19.9 or CA 72.4 or CA 15.3 does not offer any additional benefit for monitoring ovarian carcinoma. Conversely, the serial measurements of these other antigens may represent an interesting biochemical tool for the management of patients with negative CA 125 assay. Serum alphaFP and PHCG are very useful in the preoperative evaluation and management of nondysgerminomatous ovarian germ cell tumors, whereas elevated serum inhibin levels can be detected in patients with granulosa cell tumors of the ovary. As for endometrial carcinoma, preoperative serum CA 125 levels correlate with stage, depth of myometrial invasion, histologic grade, cervical invasion, peritoneal cytology, lymph node status and clinical outcome. Moreover, serial CA 125 assay is a good indicator of disease activity and a useful biochemical tool for post-treatment surveillance of patients with endometrial carcinoma. SCC is the most reliable serum marker for squamous cell cervical carcinoma, and in patients with this malignancy pretreatment SCC levels are related to tumor stage, tumor size, depth of cervical invasion, lymph-vascular space involvement, lymph node status and clinical outcome. Serial SCC measurements parallel the response to radiotherapy and chemotherapy as well as the clinical course of disease after the completion of treatment. Serum CYFRA 21.1 seems to be less sensitive than serum SCC for squamous cell cervical carcinoma. Elevated CA 125 levels can be often detected in patients with cervical adenocarcinoma. The future for tumor marker research is represented by the emerging technologies of transcriptional profiling and proteomics. (C) 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.