In the context of a professional career, it has to be pointed out that since the end of the second half of the 20th century, due to the increased pace of economic and labour market changes, there have been some significant changes in the career development of people (eg staff qualification requirements, teamwork, higher workload, etc.). The nature of individual jobs is changing (greater pressure to adapt to rapid changes and demands, the need to deal with uncertainty, pressure on workers' flexibility, etc.). The performance of individuals in each profession is influenced by a number of factors. Satisfaction is considered to be a very important area related, not only with the activity the employee performs but also with financial satisfaction. The aim of the study is to detect possible connections between job satisfaction and financial evaluation. To obtain the necessary data, we used the Career Anchor Questionnaire, selected dimensions of the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Attitudes to Money Questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 230 elementary school teachers, who were expected to prefer a specific career orientation regarding their profession. This assumption was confirmed in the form of the most common anchor which was a life-style. With an increasingly positive attitude to money, job satisfaction decreased. A similar result has been demonstrated in relation to the perception of money as a means of power in society.