The Chang 6 tight sandstone reservoir of the Upper Triassic, developed in a large lacustrine shallow-water delta depositional environment, is the most important target for oil exploration and development in the basin. This study is undertaken with the purpose of investigating the influences of lithofacies, diagenetic fluid activity and diagenetic process on quality of the Chang 6 tight sandstone reservoir situated in the southeastern Ordos Basin, based on core observation and description, petrographic investigations, measurement of electron probe microanalysis (EMPA), homogenization temperature and laser Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions, laser microzone sampling carbon and oxygen isotope of carbonate cement, the X-ray diffraction (XRD), back scattered (BSE) image observation. Research result shows that three lithofacies are recognized. Each lithofacies has its initial petrological components that slightly differ from other ones, and this is in turn restricted the diagenetic evolution route and imposed diagenetic process and oil-charging intensity, which led to a different reservoir quality. Three carbonate cementation of microcrystalline calcite, sparry calcite I, sparry calcite II and ankerite cements enriched near the mudstone-sandstone interface, occurred in the Chang 6 reservoir which are unfavorable for the reservoir quality. The Chang 6 reservoir experienced three phases of diagenetic fluid activities. The fluid activity of the meteoric water occurred in the eodiagenetic stage offered a carbon source for the cementation of microcrystalline calcite (delta O-18(PDB): 13.3 parts per thousand similar to-10.0%0; delta C-13(PDB): 0.4 parts per thousand similar to-2.1 parts per thousand and sparry calcite I(delta O-18(PDB): 19.8 parts per thousand similar to-13.4 parts per thousand; delta C-13(PDB): 0.4 parts per thousand similar to-0.8 parts per thousand). The latter two fluids released by the thermal decarboxylation of organic matter during the two oil-charging stages, occurred in the mesodiagenetic stage, providing a carbon source for the formation of sparry calcite II (delta C-13(PDB): 21.8 parts per thousand similar to-18.7 parts per thousand; delta C-13(PDB): 5.1 parts per thousand similar to-0.4 parts per thousand) and ankerite (delta C-13(PDB): 21.5 parts per thousand similar to--16.8 parts per thousand; delta C-13(PDB): 4.6 parts per thousand similar to-3.9 parts per thousand). The dominant impact on reservoir quality is mechanical compaction, which destroys more intergranular pore than cementation, especially in the sandstone of lithofacies III (the porosity loss by compaction and cementation is 30.9% and 7.3%, respectively), compared to that of the lithofacies I sandstone (the porosity loss by compaction and cementation is 28.7% and 6.6%%, respectively) and the lithofacies II sandstone (the porosity loss by compaction and cementation is 28.8% and 8.5%, respectively). Laumontite cement formed during the eodiagenetic stage effectively resisted the intensity of mechanical compaction. The authigenic clay minerals in the three lithofacies are dominated by chlorite and illite, and most abundant in the lithofacies III. Primary intergranular pore can be effectively protected when the chlorite cement is less than 4%. The dissolution pores with average of 3.0%, 2.4% and 2.3% in the lithofacies I, lithofacies II and lithofacies III sandstone, respectively, formed during the mesodiagenetic stage improved the reservoir quality to a certain degree. Four models of diagenesis and pore evolution of the Chang 6 reservoir are summarized. The pattern I has the best reservoir quality due its fewer ductile component and more coarser grains, the weaker mechanical compaction and weaker cementation of laumontite and carbonate, as well as a stronger dissolution attributed to the intensified oil-charging during mesodiagenesis.