Background Water bugs in general play an important role in freshwater ecosystems, and knowledge about them is essential for the study of water biology and the proper management of aquatic habitats. The Neotropical fauna is relatively well known, but the existence of large under-collected areas makes taxonomic and faunistic studies concerning the aquatic and semiaquatic bugs from tropical America urgent. New information Distributional information is presented for thirty-eight species of Gerromorpha and five Nepomorpha, including first records from the Brazilian states of Bahia (Mesovelia amoena), Ceara (Limnogonus profugus and Rhagovelia whitei), Espirito Santo (R. lucida), Goias (Halobatopsis platensis and R. zela), Mato Grosso (Rheumatobates bonariensis), Para (Nerthra terrestris), Parana (H. spiniventris, Hydrometra fruhstorferi and R. janeira), Piaui (Microvelia ayacuchana, M. pulchella, Neogerris lubricus and Platyvelia brachialis), Rio de Janeiro (Martarega bentoi) and Sao Paulo (Rheumatobates minutus flavidus); and the Peruvian region of Madre de Dios (Rhagovelia fontanalis).