In recent years the Korean peninsula unification problem has sounded very loudly again. This time Seoul is playing a leading part. The South Korea's current government has been the task of creating trust between North and South. However, three years later, analysts decided that this target has been replaced in practice by the policy of forcing the union through the acceleration of "collapse and regime change" in North Korea. Today, most of the discussion in South Korea centers has the topic what and how Seoul should do after the reunification. The ROK President of South Korea, Park Geun-hye keynote speech in Dresden in March, 2014 where reunification was proposed to be done based on "the German version", so the reunification of Korea by absorption of the North by the South, can serve as proof of such thesis. Naturally in Pyongyang, this proposal was met negatively. In September 2014, at the UN General Assembly in New York, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Korea, Lee Soo-young, gave a detailed response recalling the concept of reunification of Korea formulated by Kim Il Sung -a union based on the creation of "the Federal Republic of Korea. " Today, this debate between the officials of the two Koreas continues to gain momentum. In course of the polemics Seoul argues in favor of the support of the international community, since its participation, and especially that of the United States in the preparation of reunification is necessary and even essential. Pyongyang contrary is sure that the coexistence of the two systems is the only realistic way for the reunification of Korea and that in the course of the integration process the two Korean sides "should not blindly copy the experience of other countries, but form the structure corresponding to the realities and specifics of Korea... then there will be no need to use other people's brains, seek permission from external forces or their approval of our decision on how to realize the unification."