This study assessed the knowledge, attitudes and practices on food waste of selected households in the northern province of the Philippines. The results of the assessment were used as bases for formulation of a recycling system. A total of one hundred rural households were selected using stratified equal allocation sampling technique. Data were collected through the use of researcher-made questionnaire with Cronbach's Alpha at .82, and was supplemented by observations. Factor analysis, Pearson r, and point-biserial correlation were used to yield findings in the study. Results show that a number of factors discourage the respondents' participation in the reduction and recycling of food waste, such as lack of facilities, insufficient training, and information dissemination. Household size (r=.199, p<0.05), monthly income (r=.282, p<0.01; r=-.217, p<0.05), and planning (r=-.243, p<0.05) influences the way the participants manage household food waste. On the other hand, age, educational attainment, and sex, do not significantly affect the way the household-participants manage food waste. One strategic and feasible solution is a compulsory food waste recycling system (FWRS) for private households to combat this pressing issue on food waste. This proposed framework is composed of four major moves that require the collaboration of various sectors and stakeholders in the community, and is expected to suggest valuable policy amendments including significant decrease in wastage of consumable agricultural products. Without doubt, the ongoing over generation of food waste is a serious global setback that needs to be urgently addressed. (c) 2020 GJESM. All rights reserved.