Due to its unique natural conditions and agricultural tradition, northeast China (NEC) has formed a distinctive open biomass burning habit with local-specific biomass burning aerosol features. In this research, with the help of a newly optimized biomass burning aerosol identification method, which combines satellite aerosol and fire observational products with the HYSPLIT model forward trajectories, a systematic and quantitative analysis of aerosol emitted from open biomass burning in the NEC region are conducted to determine in detail its local-specific features, such as influence region, aging characteristics, and seasonal variation. During the 72-h aging process after biomass burning emission, aerosol particle size growth found with the Angstrom exponent declines from 1.6 to 1.54. Additionally, the volume fraction of black carbon decreases from 4.5% to 3.1%, leading to the Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) increasing from the fresh state of 0.84 to the aged state of 0.89. The cooling effect at TOA, due to the existence of aerosol, is enhanced by more than 70%, indicating its severe and dynamic influence on climate change. The average AOD in spring is 0.63, which is higher than autumn's value of 0.52, indicating that biomass burning is more intensive in spring. Compared to autumn, aerosols emitted from spring biomass burning in the NEC region have lower sphere fraction, smaller particle size, higher volume fraction of black carbon, higher absorbability, and weaker cooling effect at TOA, which can be partly explained by the drier ambient environment and lower water content of the burned crop straw in spring.