An objective method for the identification of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in gridded numerical weather prediction datasets is presented. This technique uses layer-and time-averaged winds in the lower troposphere to automatically detect the location of the ITCZ and is designed for use with datasets including operational forecasts and climate model output. The method is used to create a climatology of ITCZ properties from the Interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) dataset for the period 1979-2009 to serve as an indicator of the technique's ability and a benchmark for future comparisons. The automatically generated objective climatology closely matches the results from subjective studies, showing a seasonal cycle in which the oceanic ITCZ migrates meridionally and the land-based ITCZ features are predominantly summertime phenomena. Composites based on the phase of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation index show a major shift in the mean position and changes in intensity of the ITCZ in all ocean basins as the index varies. Under La Nina conditions, the ITCZ intensifies over the Maritime Continent and eastern Pacific, where the ITCZ weakens over the central and equatorial eastern Pacific. An analysis of changes in the ITCZ and its divergence during the period 1979-2009 indicates that the mean position of the ITCZ shifts southward in the western Pacific and a broad global intensification of the convergence into ITCZ regions. The relationship between tropical cyclogenesis and the ITCZ is also examined, finding that more than 50% of all tropical cyclones form within 600km of the ITCZ.
Stockholm Univ, Dept Meteorol, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm Univ, Bert Bolin Ctr Climate Res, S-10691 Stockholm, SwedenUniv Coll Dublin, Sch Math Sci, Meteorol & Climate Ctr, Dublin 4, Ireland