Flood, is a constant phenomenon, especially in semi-arid and flood plain regions are one of the most destructive natural hazards endangering a people's life, property, and physical and economic well-being. This paper focuses on hydraulic modelling using the HEC-RAS model in combination with the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) tools and compares the results to the Flood Hazard Index (FHI) method using GIS in the Seyad Basin situated in the southwestern region of Morocco with an area of 1512.85 km(2). The goal of the study is to evaluate flood hazards in the Seyad Basin in which the cities of Taghjijt, Aday, Amtoudi, and Tagriante are located. The HEC-RAS approach combines the hydraulic surface water flow model and the digital terrain model data. This combination allows the mapping of the flood zones by using the WMS tools. This approach predicts flood occurrence probability for different times and determines the intensity of the flood (depth and velocity of floodwater) using the existing hydrological data. On the other hand, the Flood Hazard Index method (FHI) presents a multi-criteria index to assess areas prone to flood hazards, using six physical parameters: permeability, slope, distance from rivers, land use, drainage density, and flow accumulation. A weight is calculated from the analytic hierarchy process method and applied to each parameter. HEC-RAS method allows the mapping of a flood with a flood water surface profile that shows the flood depth for Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP). At the same time, FHI permits establishing flood hazard levels without showing the water depth. In both approaches, six simulations were performed with the return periods of 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500 years. The simulation revealed that the most susceptible areas to flooding are the areas along the Wadi Seyad.