Nowadays, fronthaul network plays an increasingly important role in the fifth generation (5G) and beyond cellular networks because of higher Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of subscribers. Wavelength-division-multiplexed passive optical network (WDM-PON), which copes with the requirements of low latency and large capacity, is a good option for fronthaul in 5G and beyond. To serve subscribers without interruption, improvement of survivability which should address both fiber cuts and link congestion is a challenging problem. Because of the high cost of fiber and small-cells in fronthaul for 5G and beyond, a cost-efficient solution to survivability improvement of WDM-PON is critical. Towards this challenge, this paper proposes a Cost-Efficient Multi-hop Survivability (CEMS) scheme which can provide multi-hop backup paths for each optical network unit (ONU). In order to execute CEMS scheme in WDM-PON, we propose a modified ONU architecture. To determine the positions of backup fibers and backup paths of each ONU, Greedy Cost-Efficiency (GCE) algorithm is proposed. Simulation results based on practical parameters of WDM-PONs for fronthaul in 5G show the advantages of CEMS scheme.