At the time of state-of-the-art technologies and innovative technical solutions, the energy sector is developing more and more rapidly. A growing demand for energy triggers a development of new energy generation technologies. The energy produced based on petroleum, natural gas or black coal cannot meet those requirements and, therefore, a greater and greater popularity of renewable sources of energy is evidenced. The aim of the article was to evaluate conditions and to conduct the analysis of the potential of renewable energy production in the kujawsko-pomorskie region, considering e.g. the current level of use of renewable natural resources for energy production. The article uses the desk research method, and the data for analysis were acquired from the database of the Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS), Polish Geological Institute (PSG) and the Energy Regulatory Authority (URE). The study showed that the kujawsko-pomorskie province is a front runner in terms of the share of renewable energy in the country's total balance. Renewable sources of energy are a promising direction of development of the energy sector of the kujawsko-pomorskie province, mostly due to the conditions favourable to the development of such energy sector. The current state of the development of the energy sector is very competitive in terms of traditional methods of energy generation, which is related to many factors, mostly with availability and inexhaustibly of the natural carriers of energy.