Self-knowing leads to self-understanding and self-development which aimed at achieving desired goals and becoming a stepping stone toward living contentedly with people in society. Assessment is essential to self-knowing. In the past, most assessments were conducted for comparison with greater emphasis on pass-fail decisions than assessments for development. The purpose of this study is to the development of an appreciative inquiry and assessment processes by integrating assessment concepts with appreciative inquiry to determine capacity and advantages while forming a foundation focusing on future goals to promote selfknowing and development among students by synthesizing documents. According to the findings, appreciative inquiry and assessment processes for developing self-knowing and self-development comprise the following seven stages of appreciative inquiry: Develop Relations (D1), Define (D2), Discover (D3), Dream (D4), Design (D5), Deploy (D6) and Document (D7). Each step of appreciative inquiry involves assessment and internal feedback data provided by students, friends, parents, guardians and teachers. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.