As limited well-documented experimental data are available for assessing the attributes of different deformation components of flanged walls, few appropriate models have been established for predicting the inelastic responses of flanged walls, especially those of asymmetrical flanged walls. This study presents the experimental results for three large-scale T-shaped reinforced concrete walls and examines the variations in the flexural, shear, and sliding components of deformation with the total deformation over the entire loading process. Based on the observed deformation behavior, a simple model based on moment-curvature analysis is established to estimate flexural deformations, in which the changes in plastic hinge length are considered and the deformations due to strain penetration are modeled individually. Based on the similar gross shapes of the curvature and shear strain distributions over the wall height, a proportional relationship is established between shear displacement and flexural rotation. By integrating the deformations due to flexure, shear, and strain penetration, a new load-deformation analytical model is proposed for flexure-dominant flanged walls. The proposed model provides engineers with a simple, accurate modeling tool appropriate for routine design work that can be applied to flexural walls with arbitrary sections and is capable of determining displacements at any position over the wall height. By further simplifying the analytical model, a simple procedure for estimating the ultimate displacement capacity of flanged walls is proposed, which will be valuable for performance-based seismic designs and seismic capacity evaluations.