Focusing on the water-energy-food nexus, this paper revisits water reuse as a management option for water security under the ecosystem approach. The case of Singapore is presented as an example where water near self-sufficiency has been achieved through careful planning and leveraging of technology. Water reuse features prominently amongst other innovative integrated water management approaches. Although the application of water reuse technologies is very limited in the UK, there is a lot of potential both from a business and from an environmental point of view. The Anglian region, being extremely dry and hosting highly water-intensive economic activities, is classified as seriously water stressed. Water reuse is, therefore, of particular interest, especially considering the multiple benefits that are derived from ecosystems, i.e. ecosystem services, and how these depend on water availability and quality. Examples of technologies that deliver the highest grade water for reuse are ultra filtration, reverse osmosis and ultraviolet disinfection (often in combination). Findings demonstrate that water reuse can help in addressing water problems and challenges, particularly when decision-making is from a systems perspective. When ecosystem services are taken into account and are valued properly, water reuse is a sustainable practise that can also be financially profitable.