Purpose To study the impact of supervised antipsychotic medication discontinuation on clinical and functional outcomes in first-episode psychosis (FEP) in two different cultural environments. Method FEP patients(N = 253), treated in two early intervention services (Montreal, Canada and Chennai, India) for 2 years, were assessed for medication use, positive and negative symptom remission and social-occupational functioning at regular intervals. Results Between months 4 and 24 of treatment, 107 patients discontinued medication ('Off'group) as compared to 146 who stayed on medication ('On'group). Medication discontinuation was higher in Chennai as compared to Montreal (n = 80, 49.07% vs n = 27, 16.87%; chi(2) 37.80, p < 0.001), with no difference in time to discontinuation [Means(SDs) = 10.64(6.82) and 10.04(5.43), respectively, p = 0.71). At month 24 (N = 235), there were no differences in the rate of positive symptom remission between the on and Off groups (81.5 vs 88.0%, respectively) at both sites. The rate of negative symptom remission was lower among patients in the On compared to the Off group (63.2 vs 87.9%, respectively, chi(2) = 17.91, p < 0.001), but only in Montreal (55.4% vs 80.0%, respectively, chi(2) = 4.12, p < 0.05). Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale scores were equally high in both Off and On medication groups in Chennai [Means (SDs) = 79.43(12.95) and 73.59(17.63), respectively] but higher in the Off compared to the On group in Montreal Means (SDs) = 77.47(14.97) and 64.94(19.02), respectively; Time x site interaction F = 3.96(1,217), p < 0.05]. Medication status (On-Off) had no impact on the outcomes, independent of other variables known to influence outcomes. Conclusion Certain cultural environments and patient characteristics may facilitate supervised discontinuation of antipsychotic medication following treatment of an FEP without negative consequences.