Dyakonov surface waves are an example of surface electromagnetic waves propagating along a plane interface between isotropic and anisotropic dielectric media. Here we investigate the spectrum and radiative losses of Dyakonov waves at the curved interface considering both cases of "positive" and "negative" curvature of anisotropic medium. We demonstrate how Dyakonov waves at a plane interface continuously transform to the leaky or guided modes of an anisotropic cylindrical waveguide and derive asymptotic equation for radiative losses. All analytical results are confirmed by solving the exact dispersion equation numerically. We believe that our work extends the potential practical application of Dyakonov surface waves at a curved interfaces, e.g., anisotropic cylindrical waveguides, in optics and photonics devices.
Norfolk State Univ, Dept Phys, Norfolk, VA 23504 USA
Norfolk State Univ, Ctr Mat Res, Norfolk, VA 23504 USANorfolk State Univ, Dept Phys, Norfolk, VA 23504 USA