The modern socio-cultural situation is characterized by instability and uncertainty, global changes in all spheres of life. Reforming the system of higher education is associated with a change in the goals of education, which shift from acquiring knowledge to developing creative thinking and creativity of students, the ability to adapt in a changing world. The authors proposed the technology of designing decorative fonts as an educational practice to develop creative thinking and creativity of students. The research problem: what are the features (methods and means) of the technology for designing decorative fonts, which ensure the development of creative thinking of students? The aim of the research is to identify, theoretically substantiate, experimentally test pedagogical methods and tools that influence the development of creative thinking and creativity of students in the process of approbation of the technology for designing decorative fonts. The novelty of the research is to disclose the dynamics of development of creative thinking and creativity of students before and after mastering the technology of designing decorative fonts. In the period from 2014 to 2018, a pedagogical experiment was conducted at the design department of Tomsk State University, which includes four stages: preliminary, ascertaining, forming, final. The preliminary stage of the study consisted of a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature; at this stage the toolkit of measuring the dynamics of the development of creative thinking is chosen - the test "Diagnostics of the level of development of creative thinking" and "Questionnaire for determining the level of creativity". The ascertaining stage of the research consisted in analyzing the level of development of creative thinking of students (participants in the experiment) in five groups of indicators: fluency, flexibility, originality, idea development, associativity, and also in analyzing the level of their creativity.The forming stage of the research was the approbation of the technology of designing decorative fonts, oriented to the formation of the creative thinking of the student. The final stage of the study consisted in re-testing the participants of the experiment after mastering the technology of designing decorative fonts. As a result, it was found that the implementation of educational technology for the design of decorative fonts contributes to the development of creative thinking and creativity of students. The research can be useful for teachers of font culture, students of art and design universities and faculties. The technology of designing decorative fonts can be used by professional graphic designers who are passionate about experimental typography.