Currently in Ukraine inspection activity is based on deterministic conservative principles, operation experience and expert appraisal of the inspector. Possibility and benefits of PSA are used with low efficiency. Results of the study conducted by IFC (International Financial Corporation) indicate the absence of a risk-informed approach in the practice of inspections in Ukraine. Also, according to the World Bank appraisal of the investment climate in Ukraine it should be concluded that until regulatory authorities begin implementation of a risk-informed approach in planning inspections in Ukraine random unscheduled events will dominate and won't provide the goal of State Inspection. Information which obtained from the PSA helps to direct human and financial resources to the problems research that are the most important for safety, and to eliminate or reduce the requirements, which will reduce expenses of solution for significant issues. Inspection in the planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of the results of which, in addition to deterministic estimates, operating experience and expertise evaluating risk are used is called the risk-informed inspection. The use of risk-informed approaches allows to: focus inspections on design and operational aspects, which have dominant influence on the safety of nuclear power plants (NPP); improve the schedule of inspections (recording of risk assessments in determining the scope, frequency, and type of inspection); and use an additional source of information on the systems and the components of power units, personnel availability. Applying a risk-informed approach to inspection, inspectors can focus primarily on systems that make the largest contribution to core damage frequency, failure of which leads to significant increase of CDF. Risk-informed approach allows to select the most important elements to test systems that will increase the efficiency and quality of inspections. Based on the above it can be concluded that the experience of inspector, his knowledge of the power unit design, the process, the mechanisms of failure of equipment and of accident running, the use of information on the importance of components and systems for the safety of nuclear power plants, obtained from PSA - an effective way to achieve the best results in improving safety.