Fifteen species of marine invertebrate commonly occurring in the near-shore environment of Rothera base, Antarctica, were used to test tissue sample storage protocols with regard to preservation of RNA integrity. After animal collection, the tissues were either immediately extracted for RNA or stored at -80A degrees C after having been, either directly flash frozen in liquid nitrogen or preserved in a commercial RNA storage solution, for extraction in the UK. In four cases, direct flash freezing produced enhanced RNA integrity compared with samples in the commercial storage solution. A subset of samples were further tested for the preferred temperature of storage in the commercial reagent. RNA integrity was well preserved at both +4 and -20A degrees C over periods of 2 months, but degradation was rapid in tissues stored at room temperature. Eight out of the fifteen species only produced a single ribosomal band on gel electrophoresis. This survey provides a guide for tissue transport of Polar cold water marine invertebrates.