On the first part of this article, Marc Richir raises the central phenomenological problem concerning the Crisis of the European Sciences and Edmund Husserl's transcendental phenomenology, which finds its concrete proof in The Origin of Geometry: namely, the problem of the irreducible hiatus or lagoon in the phenomenological continuity between the Lebenswelt and Science. The exposition of this develops in the second part revealing that the first fundamental phenomenological problem of the Krisis is indeed, about the movement of the formation of the original meaning (Sinnbildung). This refers to the unfolding of the concrete temporality of a consciousness irreducible to presence, a consciousness of which a languagephenomenon is coextensive, which consists in phases of presence of meaning that are originally plural and multiple, hence consistent in a lacunar time originally exploded. Within the third part, and in relation this time to the symbolic institution as the second fundamental phenomenological problem of the Krisis, Richir problematizes the passage from the originary Sinnbildung to sedimentation in which Husserl, in a classic metaphysical gesture of structuration, compromises phenomenology. Lastly, in the operating in a tracing of figures that does not ipso facto lead to the geometric institution itself.