The cerebral cortex undergoes rapid microstructural changes throughout the third trimester. Recently, there has been growing interest on imaging features that represent cyto/myeloarchitecture underlying intracortical myelination, cortical gray matter (GM), and its adjacent superficial whitematter (sWM). Using 92 magnetic resonance imaging scans from 78 preterm neonates, the current study used combined T1-weighted/T2-weighted (T1w/T2w) intensity ratio and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) measurements, including fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD), to characterize the developing cyto/myeloarchitectural architecture. DTI metrics showed a linear trajectory: FA decreased in GM but increased in sWM with time; and MD decreased in both GM and sWM. Conversely, T1w/T2w measurements showed a distinctive parabolic trajectory, revealing additional cyto/myeloarchitectural signature inferred. Furthermore, the spatiotemporal courses were regionally heterogeneous: central, ventral, and temporal regions of GM and sWM exhibited faster T1w/T2w changes; anterior sWM areas exhibited faster FA increases; and central and cingulate areas in GM and sWM exhibited faster MD decreases. These results may explain cyto/myeloarchitectural processes, including dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis, glial proliferation, and radial glial cell organization and apoptosis. Finally, T1w/T2w values were significantly associated with 1-year language and cognitive outcome scores, while MD significantly decreased with intraventricular hemorrhage.