Background: Emerging adulthood is associated with heavy drinking. Despite overall heavy use, studies show considerable heterogeneity in emerging adult drinking habits. Lau-Barraco and colleagues (2016 b) identified three subtypes (high, moderate, low) of emerging adult heavy drinkers based on patterns of use across common drinking situations. Heavy situational drinkers had more alcohol problems, mental health symptoms, and coping/conformity motives for alcohol use. Objective: Our goal was to replicate and extend the aforementioned study, expecting to find the same subgroups, then examining whether certain risk factors predicted subgroup membership. Methods/Results: Undergraduates (N = 497) completed online self-report measures and a latent profile analysis (LPA) found support for three similar subtypes; low, "moderate" (higher endorsement of pleasant emotion/social pressure situations, relative to the low group), and high. Univariate ANOVAs, followed by pairwise comparisons, found that heavy situational drinkers scored highest on measures of alcohol problems, problem gambling, drug use, depression, and anxiety compared to the other two groups, and consistent with previous findings. Conclusions: This study showed that emerging adults who drink heavily across various situations are likely to engage in other addictive behaviors and struggle with mental health symptoms. Identifying one's personal risk factors and their riskiest drinking situations is critical for developing targeted intervention programs and increasing the understanding of the heterogeneous nature of drinking behaviors in emerging adults in Canada.